Some alerts are non-blocking, meaning that they do not need to be corrected in order to export your payroll.
You can therefore ignore them to eliminate all alerts from your timesheets.
1- Alerts that can be ignored
The following alerts can be ignored:
Missing time entry
Non-clocked breaks
Dubious photos
Differences in time entries
Shorter than 3 hours
2- Ignore non-blocking alerts
2.1 Ignore non-blocking alerts individually
In the employee's timesheet, simply drag your cursor over the alert points and click on "Ignore alerts" to ignore non-blocking alerts.
2.2 Ignore non-blocking alerts in bulk
You can also ignore all non-blocking alerts in bulk by dragging your cursor over the pay alerts symbol located in the top left corner.
Note that only non-blocking alerts will be ignored by this action.
Blocking alerts will remain so that you can approve them.
3- Finalizing the pay period
When you finalize the pay period, non-blocking alerts will be automatically ignored, if they had not already been ignored manually, leaving you with a finalized pay period with no alerts.