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Shift Premiums Reports

How to obtain a report on premiums for a given range

Martin Lapointe avatar
Written by Martin Lapointe
Updated over 8 months ago

Depending on your Premiums usage, there are a few reports that may suit your needs. The first and most used option is the "Time Entries" report. The second option is to use one our compatible Payroll Integration Export. 

1 - Time Entries and Shifts Report

Premiums affect both Clocked Time Entries and Scheduled Shifts

Time Entries Report

  1. "Reports" menu

  2. "Attendance" category

  3. Select "Times Entries"

  4. Choose the Date range

  5. Export

The meaning of each column: 

  • Hours subject to premium is the number of hours eligible to the premium.

  • Total Premium rate (rarely used): The default value is "0". This will only work if you use multiplier rates. For example, if you set a premium rate at 1.5 and the employee performs a 10 hour shift. The employee will be awarded 10 hours of work + 5 hours of Total Premium rate (10 x .5).

Shifts Report

To obtain a report on the premiums in the scheduler, follow these steps:

  1. "Reports" menu

  2. "Employee Scheduling" category

  3. Select "Shifts and Time-offs"

  4. Choose the Date range

  5. Export

Each Premium type will have it's own two columns (See the three different colors the examples set below with "Evening", "Night" and "Trainer" premium).

The meaning of each column. 

  • Hours subject to premium is the number of hours eligible to the premium.

  • Total Premium rate (rarely used): The default value is "0". This will only work if you use multiplier rates. For example, if you set a premium rate at 1.5 and the employee performs a 10 hour shift. The employee will be awarded 10 hours of work + 5 hours of Total Premium rate (10 x .5).

2 - Payroll Integration Compatibility

Our premium report currently integrates with Nethris and EmployerD. In the payroll integration settings you can associate each premium to a certain earning code into which we will export the shift premiums quantities.

3 - Pay Period Exports

Our different Pay Period exports such as Summary, Detailed and Per Position will be updated by this Summer (2020) to reflect premiums for our other reports.

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