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Managing Time Off Requests

How to manage time offs. Vacation management

Mark Borham avatar
Written by Mark Borham
Updated over 7 months ago

Your employees can send you their time off requests (or vacation requests) directly through the application. You will receive a notification once you receive a new request. You can manage all time off requests in the "Request" menu.

Here's a video to help you manage your employee's time off request!

B) Managing a time off request

You can approve or decline time off requests submitted by your employees.

Start by accessing the leave request you wish to approve.

To do so;

  1. Click on the “Requests” tab in the main menu on the left.

  2. Click on the “Time off” option

  3. Select the request you wish to manage

  4. Validate the dates for which the employee is requesting leave

  5. Review the justification

  6. Under ''General settings'' you can select the days to be paid (to exclude weekends, for example)

  7. Choose the type of time off

  8. Assign a location and position if necessary

  9. Confirm or modify the number of hours to be taken per day

  10. Press “Approve"

If no conflict is detected, the request will be approved, the leave will be added to the schedule and the employee will be notified.

If any shifts conflict with the request, you will receive a warning and can manage the conflict directly from this window.

You'll have the option of deleting the shifts, converting them to fill shifts or transferring them to another employee.

Note that you will also always be notified of any scheduling conflicts, approved leaves of absence during the same period, as well as the employee's most recent leave requests, to help you determine whether you can authorize the leave.

At any time, you can also leave a comment for the employee and/or decline the request.

2- Modify or cancel a leave request

You can modify or cancel a leave request that has already been approved by selecting the Approved category.

Note that you can modify certain information, such as the number of hours to be calculated per day, the position and the days counted, but if you wish to modify the dates of the leave request, you will have to delete it and create a new one.

If you are in the Manager Mobile App, follow this procedure instead

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