Forgetting your password can happen quite frequently, especially when you get a new computer or a new smartphone and have to download all of your apps again. If you are trying to connect but have forgot your password, you can use our "Forgot your password" button to get it back!
If the app is asking you for an invitation code, you probably are not using the correct email address. Sign out and try using another email address to see if it works!
Upon sign in
Entering your email
You must use the same email as you initially used to create your account.
Choosing your new password
It can take up to 5 minutes until you receive your reset password email.
Your password must have at least 8 characters
I still can't connect
If you still can't connect to the platform and your verified that you are using the correct email address, perhaps:
The initial email saved was incorrect or;
Your manager has disconnected you from the system.
We suggest you reach out either to your manager or to us through the chat!
If needed, here is also a video tutorial to assist you in resetting!