Being subscribed to the Dayforce Powerpay Plus plan.
Obtain your earning codes by requesting them from Dayforce Powerpay customer service.
Make sure you have requested Dayforce Customer Service to add the import option to your account.
Once you are subscribed to Powerpay Plus and have obtained your earning codes, you are ready to activate the integration.
1- Activating the integration
In the menu bar on the far left of the screen, click on "Settings";
Click on the "Integrations" submenu and make sure you are in the "Configuration" tab;
In the Dayforce Powerpay box, click on "Activate".
2- Setting up the integration
2.1 Configuration tab
Enter your Dayforce Powerpay account number in the "Dayforce Powerpay ID" box. If you do not have your account number you can simply enter your company name, this will not affect the payroll export.
Since Dayforce Powerpay uses a Department structure, you must associate these with your Agendrix structure. If you are using locations to divide your departments select "Locations" and if you are using positions select "Positions".
Finally, enter your Dayforce earning codes for regular and overtime hours. In theory, the RT and OT codes should match these fields.
Click Submit
2.2 Mappings tab
Enter the codes provided by Dayforce for your different types of time offs.
Enter the codes provided by Dayforce for your premiums.
Enter the codes provided by Dayforce for your positions. If you do not use Premiums in your Agendrix account, this option will not appear here.
Click Submit.
2.3 Employees tab
Enter the employee numbers that match the ones in your Ceridian Powerpay account.
Click Submit
The Dayforce Powerpay integration setup is now complete!