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Customized roles

How to customize your organization's roles

Valérie Roy avatar
Written by Valérie Roy
Updated over 3 weeks ago

For Plus plan users, it's possible to have greater control over your authorization management using customized roles.

These roles are based on the hierarchical levels already offered by Agendrix:

  • Administrator

  • Manager

  • Supervisor

  • Employee

The hierarchical levels are responsible for enforcing all authorizations that cannot be customized, as well as the minimum authorizations required for the application to function properly.

Each hierarchical level also inherits the rights of the level below.

Only the Manager and Supervisor levels can be used to create custom roles.

Agendrix offers default roles for each hierarchy level, with the exception of the Administrator level.

As with the roles you create, you can add or remove permissions to get what you want.

1- Accessing role management

You can create and modify roles at any time under Settings ➡️ Permission management ➡️ Roles.

2- Add a role

Simply click on "Create a role".

Then, all you have to do is name the role and grant the desired access.

2- Compare roles

At any time, you can click on "Compare roles" to see a table comparing the default roles and your customized roles.

3- Permission

Permissions have an impact on access to application modules and functionalities.

3.1 Permission types

There are two types of permissions: global and per location:

A global permission gives access to a feature or module for all locations of the organization if at least one of the user's roles has such permission.

This also means that to withdraw access to a feature or module, not all the user's roles must have this type of permission.

A per-location permission gives access to a feature or module for a specific location when the user's role for that location has that location.

This also means that to remove access to a feature or module for a specific location the user role for that location must not have this type of permission.

3.2 Authorizations and their impact

Here's an exhaustive list of supported authorizations.

You'll notice that some permissions are dependent on another authorization. This means that, for the same role, a dependent authorization cannot be activated until the authorization on which it depends is deactivated.




Access the scheduler


Gives access to the scheduler for locations where the user's role has this permission.

If a user has no role with this permission, the scheduler is completely hidden.

Manage requests


Depends on permission to access the scheduler.

Allows you to manage employee requests via the scheduler or the Requests tab.

If a user has no role with this permission, time off requests are no longer visible in the planner, and the module only lets you see requests for open shifts. If the open shifts are assigned to the first volunteers, the tab is completely hidden.

Access Time & Attendance


Provides access to the Time & Attendance module, including :

  • Time sheets

  • Time & attendance log

  • Authorized networks

  • Fixed terminals

If a user has no role with this permission, the module behaves like that of an employee: the user is redirected to his timesheet.

Approve time entries


Depends on permission to access Time & Attendance.

Allows approval of employee time entries.

If a user has no role with this permission, he can edit employee time entries, but approval must be given by a superior with permission.

Approve own time entries


Depends on permission to approve time entries.

Allows the user to approve their own time entries.

Approve timesheets


Depends on permission to approve time entries.

Allows you to approve all time entries in a timesheet at the same time.

If a user has no role with this permission, he won't see the "Approve all" button and won't be able to approve a timesheet.

Manage time banks


Depends on permission to access Time & Attendance.

Allows you to manage all aspects of time banks, including :

  • Create a bank of hours

  • Adjust employee bank

  • Create or modify bank entries in a timesheet

  • Adjust a timesheet using banked hours

If a user has no role with this permission, he can only consult an employee's banks and view the details of a bank entry from his timesheet.

Can manage fixed terminals


Depends on permission to access Time & Attendance.

Allows the user to activate and manage fixed terminals for locations for which he/she is supervisor.

Manage News Feed


Allows you to manage News Feed publications. This includes creating a publication, but also :

  • Content editing

  • Editing publication categories

  • Exporting a publication

  • Viewing a publication's activity log

  • Archiving a publication

  • Creating categories

  • Edit existing categories

If a user has no role with this permission, the user can only view publications that concern him, like an employee.

Manage surveys


Gives access to the survey module and to the creation, planning, editing and deletion of surveys.

Note that it is only possible to view surveys created by other users with an equal or lower role.

If a user has no role with this permission, he can only respond to surveys as an employee.

Create employees


Allows you to create new employees, archive employees and reactivate archived employees.

If a user has no role with this permission, he can only edit the employees he supervises.

Access HR documents


Provides access to the HR documents section of employee files. Among others:

  • Create or import a document

  • Archive a document

  • Move a document

  • Create and edit a folder

  • Modify an Agendrix document

If a user has no role with this permission, the user can only upload documents as an employee.

File pending documents


Depends on permission to access HR documents.

Allows users to file pending documents and to file their own documents.

If a user has no role with this permission, the user cannot file pending documents. In addition, when a document is uploaded, it must be filed by someone with permission.

Manage hourly rates


Allows you to manage hourly rates for locations in which the user's role has this permission. Among others:

  • View hourly rate when creating/editing a shift or leave

  • Modify an employee's hourly rate in his or her file

  • Modify the hourly rate of a time entry

  • Modify employee hourly rates via a mass action

  • Export a pay period

  • Adjust timesheets with time banks

  • View labor costs in payroll and timesheets

If a user does not have a role with this permission, the user cannot view or modify hourly rates or perform actions related to hourly rates.

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