To help you make the right request when you need to be absent for a specific period, here's the difference between managing availability and requesting time off.
1- Availability requests
If you wish to notify your manager of your new school schedule, a period of the day when you will be unavailable each week (e.g. every Monday afternoon) or a short appointment, go to the "Requests" tab and select the "Availability" sub-section.
Click here to consult the article explaining how to send your unavailabilities to your manager.
* Please note that it is your unavailabilities that must be added, since the system considers you being available at all times.
* Please note that it is your unavailabilities that must be added, since the system considers you being available at all times.
2- Time off requests
If you'd like to submit a request for an absence, such as a sick day, a medical appointment or vacations, we recommend you submit a time off request. Simply go to the "Requests" tab and select the "Time off" sub-section.