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How to Print the Schedule

How do I print the schedule of a specific department. What are the print options that I can select

Mark Borham avatar
Written by Mark Borham
Updated over a year ago

You can print your schedule at any time using the "Print" button located in the ''more'' section.

Note that you cannot print the schedule of all locations at once. You must do it once per location.

A) Printing the schedule

Printing the schedule will automatically follow the filters that you have activated in your scheduler. For example, if you singled out the position "Sales associate" in your filters, only that position will be printed. 

Remove all filters if you want to print the full schedule.

B) Printing options

A part from using the filters to scope your print, you can activate additional options in the printing window.

1 - Grouping

  • By employee

  • By position

2- Order

  • First Name 

  • Last Name

  • Seniority

3- Print Orientation

  • Landscape

  • Portrait

4- Other options

Most other options are self-explanatory (such as Phone numbers). However, a few deserve additional explanations.

  • Unpublished shifts: All new or modified shifts that you haven't published (still in draft) will print.

  • Background shifts: Will show the shifts outside of the filters activated or from another location (as a background shift) 

  • Open shifts: Will print shifts that are still opened and unassigned

C) Printing a Day, a Week, a Month

To print in a different timeline, change the view type on top of the agenda before printing (orange rectangle)

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