You have removed, added or modified a position from your employee's profile and it still appears on the schedule. Here is why and how to modify it.
When you modify a position in your employee's profile, the scheduled shifts will not adjust automatically.
Upcoming shifts
When you change a position in an employee's profile, the shifts that contained the old position will not be changed automatically. You must change them manually.
1- Go to the “Schedule” tab
2- Click on the shift that needs to be changed
3- Select the new one from the position drop-down menu
4- Save the change
* You will need to publish the change so that it is visible to your employee as well.
Past shifts
Do you want to modify past quarters, in the schedule or in the timesheet, to replace the displayed position with a new position that has just been added? It is possible to activate a setting, via “Settings” - “Attendance”, which will unlock the new positions for past periods.
Please note that only the administrators have access to this section.
*Tip: To modify several shifts at once, use the selection mode!