A) Why use Selection mode?
Selection mode is useful for editing shifts in bulk.
As an example, you could copy multiple shifts at once or transfer all shifts of an employee to another one in 3 clicks.
B) Where to find and shortcut
The selection button is on the top right, next to the copy button.
C) Ways to select
1 - Click on a shift
Simply click on a specific shift to select it.
2 - Click on an employee
Click on the box where the employee's name is to select all his shifts.
3 - Click on a day
Like clicking on an employee, it is possible to click on a day and select all shifts of that day.
Note : The "Select all" button won't select recurrent shifts. It is required to manually select them if desired.
D) Mass actions
When the desired shifts are selected, you can now apply the following mass actions :
Edit : The position, hours, pauses, etc..
Copy : Click on the destination where you want to copy
Transfer : Click on the destination where you want to transfer
At all times, you can cancel selection mode.