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How to Create and manage locations

How to create, manage or delete multiple locations in Agendrix

Mark Borham avatar
Written by Mark Borham
Updated over 3 months ago

You may need to create a new Location if you want to separate larger departments. If you hesitate between creating a Location or an Organization, read this this article.

Locations are in the same organization. They can share employees and have a combined invoice. If you need to split those, we recommend creating an organization instead.

A) Why have different locations ?

Locations are a useful tool to structure your account with efficiency. Each location has:

  • It's own scheduling view

  • A different clock-in zone (geofencing)

  • The possibility to have different employees and managers

B) Switching locations in the schedule

To switch between locations in the schedule, simple click on the location filter located on the left and choose the location.

When you have multiple locations they will appear above your positions. See the example below. Note that they will be in the purple funnel on the top left of the agenda if you are on a small screen.

C) Creating a new location

If you want to add a location to your organisation, you must

1- Go under the "Settings" tab

2- Click on the ''Locations" sub-tab

3- Click on ''Add location''

D) Managing existing locations

1- Go under the "Settings" tab

2- Click on the ''Locations" sub-tab

3- Click on ''Edit'' on the location of your choice

You will then have the option to...

1- Change the name of the location

2- Change or add the address of the location

3- Delete the location

Note that only administrators can create and manage locations

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