Before asking for a shift swap or shift offer, we strongly recommend you to read: 5 Things to Know Before Asking for a Shift Swap
If you are on the website and not the mobile app, click here.
1- Offering the shift
You can offer a shift (to be replaced). If you want to trade, skip to point 2.
Go to the "Schedule" menu
Click on the shift you wish to offer
Select Offer
You will see available co-workers and be able to select them
You must write a justification
Then press the green button "Save"
2- Swapping a shift
If you want to offer the shift (not trade), go back to point 1.
You will see available shifts and be able to select them
You must write a justification
Then press the green button "Save"
3- Status of My Request
Whenever a co-worker agrees to trade with you and a manager approves it, you will be notified instantly. In the meantime, you may consult the status of your request in the "My Requests" tab.
Click on the overview icon in the bottom menu
Click on “My Requests”
You will see all existing requests; simply click on the desired request for more details
4- Cancelling my Shift Swap or Shift Transfer Request
You can cancel your request at anytime as long as the transfer or swap has not been approved. You must simply click on your request (through the request menu) and remove it.
Click on the overview icon in the bottom menu
Click on “My Requests”
You will see all existing requests; simply click on the desired request for more details
Click on the trashcan to cancel the request or on the pen to modify it
PS: If your swap or offer request has already been approved. You can't cancel it. You must ask for another trade or write to your manager through the messenger.