If you have activated the recuperation time bank, you can not only bank overtime hours, but also use the hours in this bank to complete your employees' timesheets.
This article shows you how to manually add or withdraw hours from the bank of accumulated hours.
Adding or withdrawing hours from the bank of accumulated hours
To make a manual adjustment, go to the “Attendance” tab and click on the desired employee to access his/her timesheet.
Be sure to select the correct pay period for which you wish to make the adjustment.
Click on the desired day to add a time entry.
Select the "Bank" tab
Choose if you want to "Add" or "Withdraw" hour
Select the bank to affect hours to
Indicate the number of hours
N.B.: It is also possible to add a note at the bottom of the box if necessary.
B) See the Result
Once the “Bank” type time entry has been created, you will see the number of hours banked or debited, as well as the new resulting total hours.
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