If you've activated Recuperation time banks, you'll be able to bank overtime hours, but also use the hours in this bank to complete your employees' timesheets.
1- Completing a single employee's timesheet
1.1- Automatic adjustment
It is possible to make an automatic adjustment to remove hours from the accumulated time bank to reach the overtime threshold set either in the organization's settings, or in the employee's individual profile.
📌 Note that if your employee does not have a fixed contract, it is preferable to perform a manual adjustment (see point 1.2) in order to determine the number of hours you wish to withdraw from the bank.
To make the automatic adjustment, go to the “Attendance” tab and click on the desired employee to access his/her timesheet.
Make sure you select the correct pay period for which you wish to make the adjustment.
Then press the piggy bank icon in the top right-hand corner.
A menu will open allowing you to choose the options for to complete the timesheets with the banked hours.
Check the option ''Complete timesheet using banked hours''
Confirm the correct bank is selected
Decide whether you wish to allow a negative balance or not (this means that if 10h are missing to reach the employee's hours threshold and he/she has a balance of 5h in the bank, the timesheet will still be completed and his/her next balance will be -5h).
Click on “Apply
The hours will then be withdrawn from the bank and added to the timesheet to complete it.
If you are not satisfied with the automatic adjustment, simply delete the transactions by selecting them and pressing the trash button.
The hours will be returned to the bank and you can make another automatic adjustment by selecting different criteria, or make a manual adjustment as shown in point 1.2.
1.2 Manual adjustment
If your employee does not have a fixed hours threshold and you wish to choose the number of hours to be added to his/her timesheet, you can make a manual adjustment.
To do this, click on the desired day to add a time entry.
Select the type ''Bank'' at the top of the page
Confirm that the correct bank is selected
Select “Remove hours from this bank”
Enter the number of hours to be removed from the bank
Press “Save''
The hours will then be withdrawn from the bank and added to the timesheet.
2- Complete timesheets for ALL employees
It's also possible to make an automatic adjustment for all your employees at once, if each of them has a fixed hours threshold.
❗️If some of your employees don't have a fixed hours threshold, don't make a mass adjustment. Instead, make individual adjustments as described in point 1.
To make a mass adjustment;
Go to the ''Attendances'' tab in the main menu on the left.
Select the appropriate pay period
Click on the piggy bank icon in the top right-hand corner
Check the option ''Complete timesheets using banked hours''.
Confirm that the correct bank is selected
Decide if you wish to allow a negative balance or not (this means that if 10h are missing to reach the employee's hours threshold and he/she has a balance of 5h in the bank, the timesheet will still be completed and his/her next balance will be -5h).
Confirm the action
Click on “Apply''
Note that it is also possible to deduct overtime and bank it at the same time as completing incomplete timesheets.
To do this, simply check the “Bank all overtime” option at the same time.
For more details on how to bank overtime, please see this article.