How to Import an Employee List

How to import your employee list using a spreadsheet (Excel)

Sébastien Charland avatar
Written by Sébastien Charland
Updated over a week ago

If you want to save time and add multiple employees at the same time, you can upload a spreadsheet that contains their details to create their profiles in bulk.

We offer a template to streamline the procedure. In short, the procedure is:

  1. Access the Import Interface

  2. Download our template

  3. Fill the template

  4. Upload the template

  5. Correct errors (if any) and save


Current employee's profiles are not updated during an import.

Accessing the Import Interface

  1. Click on "HR" tab

  2. Sub-section Employees

  3. Click on "Add employee"

  4. Choose the "Import employees" option

Download the Template


You will need to have Microsoft Excel installed on your computer to open it.

Fill the Template

Open the template file and fill the informations you wish to import. Only these columns are mandatory:

  1. First name

  2. Last name

  3. Positions (separate by a comma if more than one)

  4. Locations (separate by a comma if more than one)

We strongly recommend adding the email address to facilitate the invite process.

The file is flexible with different accepted formats accepted for cellphone numbers, hiring dates and hourly rates.

Upload the template

Once you have saved your import file on your computer, click on Upload File

Correct errors (Locations & Positions)

If Agendrix detects any mistakes, such as typos in similar positions or locations, it will allow you to correct them right before importing. Simply follow the suggestions or ignore them.

Ready to Import

Once you passed all the steps simply click on Import to finalise the process!


If everything went fine you will be greeted with a confirmation page!

If you want to know how to export your employee list, follow this link.

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