If you have Shift Premiums that must be calculated according to predetermined triggers (time/day/position/location-based), you can create Automatic Premiums to automate the process, save a lot of time and reduce calculation risk.
IMPORTANT: Automated Premiums only work on a going-forward basis. When you create an automated premium, past shifts and entries will not be affected.
For Premiums that should be added manually on certain occasions, follow this procedure instead.
1 - Creating an Automatic Premium
The first step to create one, is to have Administrator access and go to the "Settings" menu ➡️ "Premiums" tab and choose the "Automatic" type.
You will also need to have the Premiums module activated in your Plan.
2 - Who is getting this premium ?
Restricting Premiums to certain locations, positions or people
The second step is the "Who" question. Ask yourself if the shift premium you are creating is applied based on the location where an employee is working, her position or even for the employee herself.
If you must limit the premium to only one or some locations, positions or employees, simply uncheck the box and select the appropriate
Here are some examples:
Position-based: Premium given to Assistant-manager, team-lead etc.
Location-based: The Ottawa location could provide a premium to its employees because it is further away than the Montreal location.
Employee-based: Sandra can have a premium automatically added to all her shifts, according with her individual employment contract.
3 - Shift Type
The third step is to determine if the premium must be added to shifts or time-offs. In the vast majority of cases, premiums should be applied to shifts only.
This is also the default setting.
4 - When is this premium active ?
In this fourth step, you will be able to set the time-of-the-day, day-of-the-week and start/end time triggers to calculate the premium.
Here are some common examples
Time-based 4pm to 12am, 10pm to 6am etc
Day-of-the-week-based: Saturday, Sunday premiums (weekends)
Start time/end time: If a shift start before/after or ends after X time, the premium is triggered
5 - What is the desired computation ?
In the fifth step, you have three choices allowing for different computation.
Applied to overlapping hours only (default): If you have a time trigger from 4pm to midnight, and the employee works from 3pm to 11pm. Only the hours from 4pm to 11pm (7 hours) will compute.
Applied to the entire shift when overlap occurs: Taking the same example as above, this time, the whole shift (3pm to 11pm) would be computed, giving 8 hours of premium hours.
Apply a specific number of hours: Selecting this option will allow you to preset a quantity (we recommend it to be "1" to facilitate reporting later on).
6 - Naming the Premium
The last step is to name the premium for easier approval and reporting. Your premium will now be calculated automatically going-forward.
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* Please note that you must subscribe to the Premiums add-on to benefit from this feature.