An employee has two possible ways of seeing his colleagues schedule, Both of these functionalities can be deactivated if needed.
1) See the full schedule of coworkers
This option is deactivated by default.
To activate this option, go under the employee profile ➡️ Roles & Positions tab.
In the "Permissions" section, check the "Can view full schedule of co-workers" option. You will then have 3 sharing options.
1 - How can employees find the coworkers schedule
See this article on how they can do so. We would recommend sharing this article in the News Feed.
2- Tip : Give access to everyone at once
Instead of manually changing the setting for each employee, it is possible to mass change.
Go to the Employee's tab
Check the box under Bulk actions on the top left to select all employees or select individual employees
Click on Bulk actions and choose Update coworkers settings
Check Can see the full schedule of their coworkers
2) See the coworkers that work at the same time
This setting is activated by default in the Settings menu.
Employees can see who works at the same time as them when they click on their shifts.