Add an other Administrator

How to setup a new administrator in your organization

Mark Borham avatar
Written by Mark Borham
Updated over a week ago

A) Why add an extra admin?

You will want to add an extra admin for some of these reasons :

  1. You have a partner that needs to have full access.

  2. Your accountant needs billing and timesheet access for payroll

  3. You are leaving as current administrator and want to add someone else before leaving

Note : There needs to be at least one admin at all time in Agendrix

B) How to add an extra admin?

Existing account

  1. Click on the user's name in HR -> Employees menu

  2. Go in the "Roles and positions"

  3. Select the "Administrator" role

  4. Save

New account

  • When creating a new user 

  • Select the "Administrator" role

  • Save

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