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Notification System

How notifications are routed depending on the different roles in your organization?

Martin Lapointe avatar
Written by Martin Lapointe
Updated over a year ago

A) Hierarchy

Notifications send to superiors are influenced by the hierarchy of roles in your organization. There are four roles in Agendrix:

  1. Admin

  2. Manager

  3. Supervisor

  4. Employee.

The roles in your organization are accessible in the "Employee" menu.

B) System

  1. Notifications are only sent at the 1st level above to prevent notification spam to all superiors

  2. If the level above doesn't exist in your organization, the notification skips that levels and goes above (ex.: if there's no supervisor, it goes to the manager)

  3. All users of the same level receive the same notifications (as long as they manage the same locations/positions)

C) Examples

Example 1: You have 2 admins and 25 employees

The 2 admins will receive all notifications.

Example 2 : You have 1 admin, 1 manager and 25 employees

  1. The manager will receive all notifications related to the 25 employees

  2. The admin will receive all notifications related to the manager

Example 3 (multiple locations)

  • You have 1 admin and 2 locations (Montreal and Sherbrooke).

  • There are 1 manager and 10 employees in Montréal.

  • There are 10 employees and no manager in Sherbrooke.


  1. The manager will receive all notifications from the 10 employees in Montreal

  2. The admin will receive all notifications from the 10 employees in Sherbrooke and those from the manager in Montreal

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