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Frequently asked questions

Valérie Roy avatar
Written by Valérie Roy
Updated over a week ago

This article answers the most frequently asked questions (FAQ.).

1 .Questions about subscriptions and billing

1.1 Can I try Agendrix for free?

You can try Agendrix free of charge. Simply go to and start a trial for 2 weeks free of charge and with no obligation.

1.2-Do I have a contract with Agendrix, or can I unsubscribe at any time?

With Agendrix you have no contract. You simply choose the desired billing frequency (annual or monthly) and are free to unsubscribe at any time.

Please note that we do not issue refunds for unsubscribing. Credits will be generated and can be used if you re-subscribe in the future.

1.3-What is the duration of a subscription?

There is no fixed subscription period at Agendrix. You can choose between an annual or monthly billing frequency.

As Agendrix is contract-free and non-binding, you can unsubscribe at any time and credits will be issued to your account and can be used for future re-subscription.

1.4-Will I get my money back if I unsubscribe?

We do not issue refunds for unsubscribing. Credits will be generated and can be used for future subscriptions.

1.5-I'm an administrator, am I a paying user?

Yes, you are a paying user, even if you are an administrator. Everyone with a profile in Agendrix, regardless of role or access, is a paying user.

1.6- I don't make my own schedule, am I a paying user?

Yes, you're a paying user even if you don't schedule yourself. Everyone who has a profile in Agendrix, whether you're hidden from the scheduler or not, is a paying user.

1.7-Is it possible to activate a module or plan for only a portion of my users?

No, it is not possible to activate a module or plan for certain employees only. By activating a module or plan, it will be billed for all your users.

2- Questions about user management

2.1- I have seasonal employees. How does it work?

When you have seasonal employees, we strongly recommend that you archive them at the end of the season and reactivate them when the season resumes.

This will prevent you from being billed for your seasonal employees during their inactive period.

2.2 What should I do if my employee is off work?

When an employee is off work for an extended or indefinite period, we strongly suggest that you archive the employee so as not to be billed for them during their period of inactivity.

Keep in mind, however, that as soon as the employee is archived, they can no longer be scheduled, and the employee will no longer be able to access Agendrix and therefore use the Messenger. Make sure you have another method of getting in touch with them if necessary.

2.3 Can I delete an employee?

It is not possible to permanently delete a profile as soon as it has been archived, in order to give you access to its data should you need it in the future.

However, an administrator can set a retention period for archived data by going to the "Settings" tab in the main menu, then to the "Data and security" submenu.

Please see this article for more details on cleaning archived data.

2.4- I've archived an employee, what will happen to the documents I've added to the "Documents" section of his/her profile?

The documents and information in the employee's profile will be kept according to the retention period for archived data set by an account administrator under the "Settings" tab in the main menu, then under the "Data and security" submenu.

If you need to consult these documents after having archived the employee, simply go to his/her profile under the menu ''HR'' -> "Employees" -> "Archived" and then you will have access to his/her documents.

3- Scheduler questions

3.1 Can I publish my entire year at once?

It's not possible to publish an entire year at once.

However, you can select the "Month" view using the options to the right of the dates in the planner. This will allow you to publish 1 month at a time, and thus publish an entire year more quickly than publishing one week at a time.

3.2- We're closed on certain days of the week. Can I remove days from the planner?

It is not possible to completely remove a day from the planner.

However, an administrator can change the display day so that the first day of the schedule is Monday rather than Sunday, for example.

To do this, the administrator must go to "Settings" -> "Schedule management" and change the first day for the schedules.

4-Payroll and attendance management questions

4.1 - I've activated bank synchronization in my payroll integration, but I can't see this year's bank, why?

In order for your time banks to be visible in Agendrix, you must have processed at least 1 payroll after the switchover time.

4.2 - Can I set a clocking radius smaller than 100m?

No, the smallest clocking radius that can be set is 100m.

5- General questions

5.1-I'm an employee. Do I have to pay for the Agendrix mobile application?

The mobile application for employees is free.

If the AppleStore or Google Playstore asks you to enter payment information when you try to download the Agendrix application, this means you haven't configured your app store and need to do so in order to download applications.

Once this has been done, you can download the Agendrix application completely free of charge.

5.2- Where can I find my pay and tax slips?

Please contact your employer directly, who will be able to tell you if he/she has made statements and tax slips available via Agendrix, or where to find them if they are not available on Agendrix.

To communicate with your manager, you can use the Agendrix Messenger using the "Messenger" tab.

5.3-What is the maximum size of files/documents that can be added to Agendrix?

The maximum size of files that can be sent in Agendrix is 20MB throughout the application, except for the "Documents" section, which is 400MB.

5.4-Can I send videos in Agendrix?

You can send videos of up to 20MB on the web version of Agendrix.

On the mobile application it is possible to send videos up to 20MB in the shifts comments and documents sections, but it is not possible to send videos via the Messenger.

5.5 Does Agendrix geolocate me at all times?

Not at all! Agendrix only checks your location when you clock in, and then only for a short time. Our Privacy Policy is very clear on this subject.

5.6-Does Agendrix comply with Bill 25?

Yes, we are! In addition to being compliant with Bill 25, Agendrix is also compliant with multiple security standards such as; ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018, PCI-DSS level 1, CSA STAR levels 1, 2 and 3, as well as SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3.

For more details on the security of our products, please consult our security policy.

5.6 What iOS version do I need to download the Agendrix application?

The minimum iOS version required to download the Agendrix application is 14.0 or later.

5.7 What Android version do I need to download the Agendrix application?

The minimum Android version required to download the Agendrix application is 8.0 or later.

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