Once all timesheets have been approved, you can export your data directly to Nethris.
Simply follow the steps in this article.
*Before exporting your first payroll in Nethris format, you must set up your configuration. Here is an article that explains How to set up my Nethris exportation.*
1- Finalize your pay period
To avoid errors, we always suggest that you finalize your pay period.
To do so, simply
Go to the "Attendance" tab in the main menu on the left
Click on the pay period status to the right of the date
Change the status to "Finalized".
2- Exporting the file to Agendrix
Once you've finalized your pay period, simply export the file and save it.
To do so, simply
Click on "Export Pay Period" in the top right-hand corner.
Select "Nethris"
Decide whether you want to export payroll for all branches and positions.
Click on "Export"
Optional: If the API Nethris sync is enabled, see point C of this article before performing the following steps.
Also, you can modify the spreadsheet manually before importing it to Nethris if you want to.
If you wish to use Agendrix hourly rates rather than the ones in Nethris, you can check the option below before exporting. Please note that the hourly rates of employees must be filled for this to work.
A) Importing Data
Once in your payroll system, here’s how to import:
Click on the « Payroll » tab.
Click on « Import transactions » in the Tools subsection
B) Importation Settings
Click on the « Choose file » button to look for the file that was exported during step B).
Select « Excel with columns » file format.
If you have more than one company in your payroll system, select the right company number in the choices shown to the right of the « Company » title.
C) Importing Transactions
Click on the orange / red « Import » button.
D) Importation Successful
If the word « Completed » appears in red, to the right of the « Status » title, the importation was successful, and you can now make manual changes to your payroll system, as needed.
E) Importation Impact
Data imported in Nethris is always on weekly basis; this allows you to understand the earning codes repartition more easily.
F) Error Messages
If a red « Not completed » status text appears, the importation process has failed.
Check out which of the lines are causing the errors in order to correct your import file. Details for each error are shown at the bottom of the page.
G) How to Correct Errors?
Each error is well detailed in the error table.
Serial number : Serial number of the employee to verify the Excel payroll export file.
Line no : Reference line in the Excel file. Helpful for quickly spotting the error.
Message : Used to see the type of error you’re dealing with. For example, if you see « G43 », it means that a data is incorrect in the Earning 43 column for overtime gains.
Blue « Correct » button : Allows you to manually correct errors directly from your payroll system.